The undisputedkekeke
The UnderdogThis was Kevin's first time really with the opportunity to get busy. I call it opporTUNAty. Go ahead, ask me why.
So..we went to the "auto-x" event at NCC in Nashua. Total bust. Failure burrito. They must have just had something against s-chassis. At least..there is no other reasonable explanation which I can ascertain.
This is the breakdown:
-Kevin Starling shows up in s13 early for start time. Posted start was 9am. The guy he spoke with turned him away, noting that they were just setting up, and the event would not actually commence until 10am.
-Kevin Starling calls me to alert. Due-ly noted.
-After a light morning snack / coffee run to Dunks, we adjourn and go to the school.
-After waiting several minutes to gain access to parking lot, the teacher/coordinator meets us before we walk over to the course. He states that he doesn't mind if we spectate, however, we will not be able to run the course for the following reasons:
1) We did not make the tech inspection, which began promptly circa 9am.
2) This event, though advertised as a public event, was in fact exclusively set up for students
3) No one there knew who we were
-He asked us to sign a waiver to spectate. We obliged.
-After about an hour we called bogus and quickly shuffled off to our cars so we could bounce.
-Upon leaving the lot, we had to cross the course. We approached very slowly. One of the drivers/event hosts approached the car. We rolled down the window to ask what the best exit strategy would be. Event driver yells "DO NOT DRIVE ON THE GRASS, GO AROUND THE CONES". Kevin Phan says okay. Event driver again yells (note in a more threatening tone at this point) "DO NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE SIDEWAYS. WE
WILL CALL THE COPS. WE HAVE YOUR PLATES". Kevin, taken aback jokes "what? okay..this is FWD". The dude was NOT amused. He again threatened and demanded unreasonably that we go 5mph as we exit. In the mean time, we drive past another driver who is shouting our license plate numbers across the parking lot to the event admin.
Talk about outrageous. We did nothing to instigate the hostility towards us. From minute zero, you could tell that they did not want us there. No one looked our way and everyone was standoffish.
Epic bull plop.
So we hosted our own event...called one corner, one car at a time. Even a cop joined us. He was on our side.