Actually.. I stand correct. I can recount the stories from Candy's craft fair funtimes!
It was located in Ludlow, Mass. A terribly boring drive to the west! All in all, the experience was not lacking in any remote sense of the word. Plenty of people watching to be had for those who are not strict enjoyers of the craft. There were so many different types of things going on, being presented, and sold. We spent the better part of our day there and driving. Candy faired pretty well, sold a decent amount of her line and also made a few trades.
This is a picture from later into the day. Our (her) table and the two of us. I was just gearing up to brace myself against the harsh elements that seemingly came out of nowhere! I was on my way to the bagel shop down the road from the hall which held the craft fair when I ran into my mother. She was hours late and I had started to worry. I attempted several times to call her but to no avail. At this point I was hoping good bagels and coffee would set my mind at ease. Ultimately, with luck, I had no need to resort to food and caffeine to rest my worries, and now only needed them out of sheer habit and addiction. My mother took me right over to the bagel shop (and I thank God as it was pretty cold and her car was warmed from her travels). We got back and surprised Candy and Beth with treats and then my mom took a tour of the fair.
That more or less sums up the day without boring you with other details.
I soon will be ordering my block internals and looking into getting my block machined. I was considering sending it to Fast Eddies in New Jersey because of their prolific history and overwhelming reputation. I was quoted nearly $5k. No thanks. A Sterling reputation does not a deal make for me when it comes to that kind of money. Granted, I can't argue with their testimonials and the services they perform.. I'm just not up to spending that kind of money. So I will undoubtedly stay local.
Also, recently I have been looking into body kits and despite arguments against Chaser, I think for economic purposes I will going with their product. I am going to be drifting. Damaged bodies are a slight bit more appealing when your aero costs significantly less than $1200.00. I think for the vert I am much more likely to invest in high quality..but why break the bank over something I plan on getting mangled on more than one occasion?
I will be giving Leon a spare block and head for his build. He seems pretty gungho about doing it. Why not, right?
At any rate.. it is 1:00AM and Christmas Day (or morning if you want to be technical) and Candy has just finished watching 'Gone With The Wind' which probably means we will be going to bed shortly. Stay safe, happy holidays.