Friday, September 11, 2009

First Official Post Nigga!

Well, I've been sitting on this blog for weeks now. I've been meaning to update..or rather, make a first post. Seriously, I have. But there really hasn't been anything worthwhile. At least not involving me. In fact, this post is destined to be pretty subpar comparatively speaking to what I imagine this blog will produce. At least I hope.

At any rate..after months of trying to get my car road ready, on Labor day Kevin and I make the final cuts. And what was supposed to be a couple of bro guys taking an afternoon cruise turned into a very modest, but fun none the less meet. Kevin took some pictures, and I snagged a couple with my phone. Did I mention I got pulled over and ticketed?

Also, Leon picked up a new coupe for himself. It was about time we called the most perfect hatch in the world a loss. So, Tim now owns the hatch and Leon and I went today to get his new ride. What a clusterfuck process it was too. Massachussetts.. oi vey. Took us two days to get this done when it should have only taken one. But we did that. Dang woop will rise again.

And this is Leon's 93. Shit needs new brakes. solid plans for Tomorrow yet. I definitely wanna do something though... especially now that Leon is on the road again. I hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow..nice and easy on the tires ;-)

There is a meet/ run on 9/26. I'll be there, Kevin, probably Leon. Hopefully Tim, Jordan, Rusty Weed, and that duder Matt go too.
We'll probably take mad pics and videos. Will make for a good post I assume.

This is all I got for today. Maybe someone else will post.


  1. sounds wicked.
    blogging about cars- you should blog about the transformation of your pink car to pigbombs and stuff- that would be interesting ^^
