Sunday, June 6, 2010

You know me. I know you.

It's Sunday morning. No sleep, yet again. At least not a lot of sleep.

Yesterday was a very long day. But we accomplished plenty. In fact we are almost done. Now it's time to start refilling my place. Sweeeeee

At any rate, Calvin & Hobbes brings me much joy.

It hasn't been the best couple months.

Alicia graduates soon. I'm very proud. Have to get her a cool gift she will enjoy.

I need new glasses. Big time. I want to do some quick glasses shopping today after OT hours are done. Hopefully I will have time. I dunno.

Candy got me thinking about changing some color in my hair yesterday. This is a thought which has not crossed my mind in YEARS. We'll see.

I've been getting bugged a lot recently by a few people who I wish would understand that I prefer not to be bugged by them anymore!

On the other hand, I want tattoos really bad. All over. I need my throat, stomach, back, legs. I don't look cool enough. These guys know what's up.

Also..I must lose weight. Must bike more. Must make up for all the pizza parties, egg roll parties, meatball parties, tacoon parties, NACHOS FELICIDADES.

I am a lion.